Instead of reading about older adults and volunteering… here you can listen to an interview on the topic of positive aging and volunteering through a podcast.

A podcast is like a radio show, but it’s a pre-recorded radio show. And instead of turning on the radio you just click on a computer link to hear the information.

Available anytime, podcasts are mostly free or paid from through ads. There are many types of podcasts, and there are a lot of podcasts available from across the world, but they are all easily accessed through your own computer or phone or tablet (iPad). You can listen to a podcast as many times as you wish.

A podcast is a digital medium consisting of audio (or video) episodes that relate to a specific theme. The hosts of a podcast are referred to as “podcasters.” Here, you will find the link that will take you to an audio interview (not a video) — you’ll hear the interview but not see the podcasters.

Find the 23-minute podcast HERE, just go to this link and then click on the grey and white arrow that is beside (to the left) the title “Episode 12: Positive Aging & Voluntary Work” to be able to listen to this podcast.

You can hear the podcast on your device’s speaker — through your computer or phone or tablet. Or you could, instead, use a set of headphones plugged into your device, so it’s a more personal experience and only you can hear it.

In this 23-minute podcast, from Ireland, they are exploring the positive impact voluntary work can have in our lives, especially as we grow older. They discuss how volunteering helps build positive social connections as well as give our lives an enhanced sense of purpose and meaning.