Reap the Benefits of Volunteering

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about becoming a volunteer as an older adult

As an older adult, volunteering can provide you with various different health and social benefits. It offers you significant physical, emotional, cognitive, and social benefits. It enhances wellbeing and contributes to an active lifestyle. Volunteering is an important choice of leisure activity because it benefits the community, the non-profit organization, and you. Put simply… volunteering is good for you.

But there are a few things you should know before you agree to donate your time. Below you will find various different articles and information on everything you should know about volunteering and becoming a volunteer as an older adult.

Volunteering is beneficial to your health, well-being, and joy, and it positively impacts your community.

Learn about the physical, mental, and social benefits of volunteering.

There are so many different possibilities and ways you can volunteer.

Learn about where to begin and how to go about finding the right volunteering fit for you.

Computers and the internet are a part of volunteering.

We’ll show you everything you need to know to close the technology gap.