Where to Volunteer

One way to find a place to volunteer is to simply contact a non-profit organization. To help you out, we created some articles and types of volunteering and where to volunteer. We’ll keep adding to our lists of Ontario charities, nonprofits, grass-roots groups, and community events that are age-friendly.

Some curated articles just for you, to guide you towards a volunteer experience that is right for you:

General Helpful Resources

We have provided a list of links below that will get you connected with a variety of helpful resources for living and thriving in your later years. The Ontario Government has a comprehensive Guide to Programs & Services for Seniors. If you prefer, you can easily download this guide as a pdf. This guide covers everything from health and finances, to employment and much more. Check [read full article]

Applying to Volunteer Opportunities

If you haven’t volunteered formally before there are details you may not be familiar with and while we’re at it, we’ll answer some of your important questions related to applying to volunteer. Firstly, let’s explain formal vs informal volunteering: Formal volunteering is usually through, with or on behalf of an organization, and it has a formal structure to it — this often involves formally signing up, [read full article]

Why should I volunteer

Do you need some motivation? Rationale? Inspiration? There is no “should” about it but watch the videos below to see what active volunteers, and others, have to say about volunteering — you can’t help but be inspirited and motivated! Enjoy! “The Value of Volunteering: Advice to New Volunteers” found HERE “Mark Bezos: A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter” found HERE “Best inspiring Animated short film [read full article]

YouTube – Getting Started

Whether you are looking to volunteer or are volunteering, there are several reasons why knowing and understanding YouTube will be of value to you. YouTube is like a vast library of videos on the internet. It has everything from educational tutorials and how-to-do-it instructional videos to music and movies. You can watch, learn, and enjoy all sorts of things by simply searching and clicking on YouTube’s [read full article]

Facebook – Getting Started

Knowing how to use Facebook will expand your ways to find volunteer opportunities as most organizations have a Facebook page where they post their opportunities. And some smaller organizations can’t afford a formal website, so they use Facebook instead because it’s free to everyone, including you. Facebook is a social media platform. Setting up a Facebook profile is a pretty straightforward process. If you’re new to [read full article]

LinkedIn – Getting Started

LinkedIn (“linked in”) helps you connect with people, discover opportunities, stay updated in your field, and it’s a social media platform that some organizations use to post volunteer opportunities. LinkedIn is like attending a virtual professional conference where you can interact with others in your industry or the industry you are keen to learn more about. You can get a free basic LinkedIn membership when you [read full article]

How volunteering can help me transition to a new career

Using volunteering as a pathway to transition into a new job or career can be a strategic and fulfilling approach at any age. Can volunteering help you transition to a new career or help you find employment? The short answer is yes; yes, volunteering can help you with your employment goals. The longer answer involves some steps you can take which are laid out below. And [read full article]

Health & Safety Considerations for Volunteering

Is it safe to volunteer since COVID and lockdowns? Is it safe to volunteer in a hospital or anywhere with all those germs and illnesses? What safety considerations should I know or think about when it comes to volunteering? It’s challenging to provide an over-all answer to these good questions as there are many factors involved to consider; everyone is different and our personal safety metre [read full article]

Make a Joyful Noise

Choirs are a great way for older adults to stay engaged in their community — not only as singers but as volunteers too! Choirs don’t run on their own, the more hands on deck the more the choir functions smoothly and concerts are successful. There are few requirements for joining a choir other than a willingness to sing. As for volunteering, choir members, and support people [read full article]

How to Find Age-Friendly Volunteer Opportunities

Finding a fulfilling volunteer position can take some time, just like seeking paid work does, but it will be well worth the effort to find volunteer opportunities where you can engage your time, talents and treasures! The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Mahatma Gandhi Places and ideas to find age-friendly volunteer opportunities: Organizations you already know and [read full article]

Checklist of Essential Features of Age-Friendly Cities

This World Health Organization (WHO) checklist is intended to be used by individuals and groups interested in making their city more age-friendly. For the checklist to be effective, older people must be involved as full partners. In assessing a city’s strengths and deficiencies, older people will describe how the checklist of features matches their own experience of the city’s positive characteristics and barriers. They should play [read full article]

Age-friendly and Inclusive Volunteering

Almost everyone in later life makes a volunteer contribution of some kind or other. However, some people encounter barriers to getting involved in ways that work for them, especially as their circumstances change. With people living longer, it is increasingly common for seniors to continue working or volunteering well past the traditional retirement age of 65. I am 85 and an active volunteer. I feel very blessed [read full article]

Ageless Access

Accessible Places and Spaces Matter All people should be able to and have the ability to participate fully in all aspects of society. All the ingredients are in place for a renaissance in the world of volunteering, and Canada’s aging population will be a vital element of that rebirth. Canadians who volunteer their time tend to be older and as our population matures into a growing [read full article]

Virtual Volunteering

What does Virtual Volunteering Even Mean? Is it for Me? In a nut shell, virtual volunteering means you volunteer from a location that is not at the organization you are volunteering with. Most virtual volunteers volunteer from the comfort of their own home. We’re glad you’ve asked! Virtual volunteering usually means you volunteer from a computer or tablet (like an iPad), usually online through the world [read full article]

What to Expect from an Organization when I want to Volunteer

What Can I Expect as an Older Person Who Wants to Volunteer Volunteering often involves more than just offering or raising your hand to help. Charities and non-profit organizations take care in matching volunteers to opportunities and positions and ensuring a smooth process. This professional approach fulfils important risk management protocols, mandates and best practices and is intended to create a positive experience for all concerned. [read full article]