We’ve partnered with a couple of organizations that provide free training and support with technology and digital literacy. Between them they offer a range of opportunities to learn; from on-demand courses that you can do at your own pace, to group classes and one-on-one online help. Feel free to explore and choose what is most convenient for you.
All of these organizations will help you bridge that digital divide to get you volunteering in your community!
ABC Life Literacy Canada
The SkillsHub, presented by ABC Life Literacy Canada, offers short online courses that you can do at your own pace to brush up your digital literacy skills. The ABC Skills Hub is a free online learning portal. You can choose from courses that help you learn Gmail, WhatsApp, QR codes, Google Maps, Searching Safely Online and many more. Visit HERE and click on “View All” (courses). All the blue courses are related to basic internet skills.
You will have to create an account with your email address, but this will keep track of your progress. Other course topics include digital skills, money skills, work skills and more. With the ABC Skills Hub, you can complete courses anywhere and at your own pace. Start learning today at abcskillshub.ca found HERE.
Cyber-Seniors offers free technology support and training for older adults. It was started in Canada. Cyber-Seniors’ goal is to bridge the digital divide and connect generations through technology. They have a great line-up of webinars,* that you can join or you can watch previously recorded ones. You can also book a one-on-one session with a tech mentor. Check them out HERE. If you’re interested, watch a video about how Cyber-Seniors started and some of the things they do HERE. Cyber-Seniors provides insight into the wonderful things that can happen when generation gaps are bridged and new ways of connecting are explored.
*A webinar is an online seminar that allows participants from anywhere in the world to come together in a virtual classroom to share information via the internet.
Ontario Public Libraries
Finally, don’t forget to check with your local library! Many offer training and basic tech support. Find your local library system on this Ontario government webpage.