From the volunteer-involving organization, you should expect to:

  • Feel welcomed
  • Have a clear understanding and expectations of your role and responsibilities — found in a volunteer position description of your role, ask for one if you don’t get one
  • Have an orientation to the organization, their policies, and to your specific role
  • Receive training(s) as needed to perform your role
  • Know the organization’s COVID protocols and other health and safety issues
  • Feel like your contributions are worthwhile (if not, talk about it with your supervisor)
  • Be respected, valued and recognized for your contributions
  • Get introductions to anyone you’ll spend time with
  • Receive special accommodation for any accessibility needs you may have*
  • Feel you are making a good use of your valued time
  • Be able to ask questions and talk about things that are important to you
  • Know who you can go to for information or questions
  • Be equipped with the resources and tools needed to perform your role
  • Be supported as you need to be
  • Feel safe to wear a face mask or perform your duties where you feel comfortable
  • Get clear, consistent and ongoing communication
  • Feel you are a part of a team (if your role is more behind-the-scenes then a feeling you are part of the bigger picture and purpose of the organization)
  • Be invited to meetings in relation to your role and responsibilities
  • Be provided with a secure location to store your personal effects
  • Have scheduling flexibility (e.g., if you need to skip a shift or two for whatever reason)
  • Be alerted if there will be a change to your schedule (e.g., due to inclement weather)
  • Be reimbursed for any volunteer-related expenses incurred for the organization (be sure to get permission first before spending any money related to your role, however)
  • Receive feedback and feel comfortable to ask for reviews or evaluations of you work
  • Receive appreciation for your contributions

For more helpful information please read our articles: