A podcast is like a radio show that you can listen to on the internet. Podcasts cover a wide range of topics such as social and community service issues, news, storytelling, interviews, or discussions. Podcasts are accessible and flexible; you can listen to them at any time and anywhere you like — you’re not bound by a fixed schedule. You can pause, rewind, or fast forward as needed.

We offer some amusing, insightful, fun and educational podcast links further below for you to explore at your own pace.

Fun Fact: there are over 5 million podcasts in the world, and the number grows everyday!

Podcasts can be a fantastic resource for older adults who volunteer, and here are several reasons why:

  • Many podcasts feature stories of individuals who have made a positive difference in their communities through volunteering. These stories can be inspiring and motivational, encouraging to help you explore new opportunities.
  • Podcasts often delve into social issues and current events, providing you with a broader understanding of the challenges facing communities and volunteer-involving organizations.
  • Podcasts are primarily audio-based, meaning you listen to them rather than watch. This makes them easy to enjoy while doing other things, like walking, driving, or relaxing at home.
  • Podcasts are frequently in the form of episodes that cover a wide range of topics, including those related to volunteering. You can use podcasts as a valuable source of information and insight, helping you stay informed about the causes you care about and the impact they can make.
  • Podcasts often provide practical tips and advice. You can learn a host of things.
  • Listening to discussions about volunteering and community engagement can make you feel part of a larger movement, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose.
  • While staying informed and educated, podcasts also offer entertainment, joy, laughter and relaxation too.
  • You can listen to podcasts on various devices, such as smartphones, computers, or dedicated podcast apps. They’re usually free, although some may offer premium content that you can pay for.

Some suggested podcasts for you, as a place to begin (just click on the title):

Tips for using and accessing Podcasts using a device (a smartphone/cell phone or tablet [iPad] or a computer):

  • Search for topics by using the search feature on your device to type in topics that interest you. For example, you can search for “volunteering,” “history,” “incredible feats,” “health,” “amusing stories” or any other specific topic of interest.
  • Explore podcast categories. These could include genres like news, education, technology, history, leisure, travel, and more. Categories help narrow down your interests.
  • Click on a podcast to see more details. Read the descriptions to get an idea of the podcast’s content, hosts, and format.
  • If you find a podcast you like, you can subscribe to it. Subscribing ensures you receive new episodes automatically.
  • Some platforms allow you to listen directly on their websites, while others might prompt you to download their app. Just follow the instructions provided.
  • Take your time to explore different podcasts to find the ones you enjoy. There’s a podcast for almost every interest!
  • If you’re unsure where to start, ask friends, family, or fellow volunteers for podcast recommendations.
  • Podcasts cover a wide range of styles and formats. Don’t be afraid to try different podcasts or categories to see what resonates with you.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to explore and enjoy a variety of podcasts that cater to your interests and preferences. Enjoy!