You Want to Volunteer…
But you are:
- Uncertain about what kind of volunteering you should do or want to do?
- Wondering how to match your skills, experience and passion with volunteering?
- Thinking about the practical things related to volunteering?
We invite you to begin with our 5 Suggested Steps Self-Assessment:
Step ONE
Consider your reasons, your “why,” for volunteering (choose as many as you wish):
- I wish to give back to my community, others
- I want to strengthen my community
- I want to use and share my skills / talents / wisdom / experiences
- I’d like to have new experiences and learn new things / skills
- I like challenges and would like to take on new ones
- I want to make a difference, impact
- I want to make the world a better place
- I’d like to volunteer with a cause I feel passionate and motivated about
- I have a personal tie to a particular cause I want to volunteer with
- I have religious or spiritual obligation
- I hope to meet and spend time with people
- I hope to meet and spend time with people I feel a sense of connection with (based on age or interests or other characteristics, perhaps)
- I want to expand my horizons and engage with a wide variety of people
- I wish to volunteer virtually;** I hear it’s fulfilling and can keep me safe from viruses
- I want to better connect with someone in my life who I hope to volunteer with
- I’m looking to feel good about what I do and build self-esteem and self-awareness
- I hear volunteering for older adults is a boon to health, vitality, satisfaction and joy*
- I want to inspire others to volunteer as well
- I’d like to shape my own volunteer opportunity / offer my ideas
- I wish to have fun while volunteering
- I want to pay it forward
- I want to keep my body and mind active
- I want to build my resume
- I want to change my career, and volunteering will help bridge the gap
- I am looking for recognition appreciation for my contributions
- Recognition and appreciation are not important to me
- Other: write out your own reason(s) “why” you wish to volunteer.
Step TWO
Consider the skills, experience, talents you would like share or develop:
- Communication – writing, reading, editing, talking, teaching/tutoring, questioning, self-expression, persuading, resolving conflicts, thoughtful questioning, public speaking, active listening
- Creative – creating, inventing, visual art, needle craft, knitting, designing, cooking, performing, composing, performing, acting, singing, musical instrument(s)
- Financial – bookkeeping, accounting, financial planning, advising, budgeting, fund development/raising/resourcing, forecasting
- Management – event management, office management, team building, strategic thinking, strategic planning, succession planning, time management, delegating, board of directors or committees
- Interpersonal – communication, helping others, empathy, team building, intercultural engagement, cultural diversity, collaborating, advising, sense of humour, counselling, self-management, patience, time management, mentoring, customer service, coaching, phoning, negotiation, network building
- Physical / Recreational – sports, yoga, dance, walking, running, strengthening, fitness, weightlifting, stretching, tai chi or other martial art, meditation
- Leadership – decision making, motivating others, problem solving, strategic thinking, creative thinking, visioning, consulting
- Manual – building, designing, creating, assembling, operating equipment or tools, repairing, painting, food handling, cleaning, planting or caring-for vegetation
- Numeracy – counting, calculating, measuring, estimating, budgeting, managing money, filing, scheduling, sorting, handling money
- Organizational – managing information, organizing physical things, administering, coordinating, planning, scheduling
- Passion – raising awareness, racial justice, social justice, advocating, lobbying
- Technology – using computers, using a camera or video camera, computer graphics, operating equipment, word processing, data entry or management, social media, web design, website maintenance
- Academic – teaching, tutoring, conducting research, writing, synthesizing information, learning, studying
- Thoroughness – researching, investigating, assessing, analyzing, synthesizing, collaborating, visioning, critical thinking, problem solving
- Other – make your own list of your skills, experiences and talents
Consider your personal and practical preferences or needs:
- I’d like to volunteer in person
- I’d like to volunteer from home (this is called virtual volunteering** and usually takes place from a computer or phone)
- I like volunteering on my own
- I’d like to volunteer with others — a group or team
- I need a fully accessible*** place to volunteer/ I have physical or mobility accommodation requirements
- I have concerns about lifting, reaching-for or carrying things, bending, squatting
- I want to be physically active or stand and not sit down all day
- I need to sit to volunteer
- I need a bathroom on the same floor as me
- I have particular language and cultural needs
- I see myself volunteering once per week
- I can give time more than once per week
- I’d rather give my time every other week
- I’m only available once or twice per month
- I prefer a flexible volunteer schedule
- I am available to volunteer on these days / hours
- I have boundaries on what I can do based on my religion, physical needs, etc.
- I want to volunteer close to home
- I have a car and am willing to use it as needed
- I don’t mind commuting to my volunteer role
- I have these concerns around the location for volunteering
- I prefer volunteering outdoors
- I prefer volunteering indoors
- I do not want any costs**** associated with my volunteer involvement
- I’d rather a behind-the-scenes role
- I’d rather a visible role working directly with clients/community members
- Think about all of your wants, needs, capabilities, and any limitations and write them out, so they are available to refer to and are top of mind when you consider volunteer roles and when you speak with the organization’s volunteer resources team.
Write out your thoughts / feelings / ideas:
- Write down or type out what you are thinking in relation to volunteering.
- What do you hope to achieve by volunteering?
- What do you not want in terms of volunteering or a volunteer experience?
- What do you want to focus your attention on / give your energy to?
- What motivates you / gets your excitement up / interests you?
Writing things out really helps unpack what we’re thinking, allows for a thought process to flow and helps clarity what we need and want related to volunteering.
More to consider:
- Speak with others and tell them you are thinking about volunteering. Ask them for thoughts and ideas and ask them about their own experiences volunteering.
It is truly amazing how, when you put your thoughts out to others, the ideas and encouragement will flow and inspire you. You may also be delighted to discover how you inspire them.
Volunteering at any age improves your physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.
“It is amazing what a volunteer can get into doing. In your private work world, you’re pretty well on one track. When you get into volunteering, you can do all kinds of things. It is a very interesting world.” Maida Dunca, Volunteer since 1958
A good place to go, after you’ve gone through this self-assessment, is our “What to Expect from an Organization as an Older Person Who Wants to Volunteer” article found HERE.
For questions and information, you may want to consider, we recommend you check out our article, “What to Ask an Organization Before Volunteering” found HERE.
You may wish to also check out our article, “How to Find Age-friendly Volunteer Opportunities” found HERE.
*See our articles on the “Benefits of Volunteering for Older Adults” found HERE.
**See our article, “Virtual Volunteering” found HERE.
***See our article, “What is Accessibility” found HERE.
****See our article, “Will it Cost Me Money to Volunteer” found HERE.
All the best with it! You’ve made a great choice to enrich your life through volunteering!